Sex dating Nuevo Laredo,

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I told him he never said what kind and that I did not do that. In addition to their low economic status, FSWs in the border region have other poverty-related risk factors such as low educational attainment, multiple financial dependents, low literacy, and inconsistent knowledge of HIV and STIs Bucardo et al.

I thought he was going to do something more serious. He turned me Sex dating Nuevo Laredo and forced me to have sex. I Sex dating Nuevo Laredo not cry but some tears did come out. When I left the hotel he apologized and left. Her experiences typically involved less severe injuries, but at the cost of being intimidated by threats of physical violence and accepting client demands.

A second type of violent encounter described Sex dating Nuevo Laredo the FSWs was related to clients refusing to use condoms. There were cases, however, in which the women were subjugated into having unprotected sex through the use of physical violence.

Teresa, who worked Sex dating Nuevo Laredo a downtown area, described her experience:. He was a young man about 21 years old, Mexican. When he arrived at the bar I tagged him as mine. I thought he was a good guy since he had a decent appearance. We went to his house which was close to the bar. When we got there we went to his room and he locked the door. We were going to start to have sex and I asked him to wear a condom. When I said this he got mad and told me he would not and that I had to do it with him.

I tried to convince him but he only got more mad and told me to shut up. He reached over to get something from a drawer near his bed. I then saw that it was a knife. He put it to my throat and threatened me if I did not have sex with him. He did not hurt me, but I did think he was going to kill me. Rosario, a year-old sex worker working in Nuevo Laredo, recounted a similar story with one of her clients.

Rosario was approximately 5 feet tall and had long black hair and Sex dating Nuevo Laredo dark skin tone. Her slender and petite figure made her look younger than she was. In speaking with her, it was obvious that she was self-conscious about a 2-inch long scar she has on her left cheek.

Rosario explained about the scar:. This happened about two weeks after I had started to work. I had only had three customers. These first three customers had used condoms.

Some co-workers had told me about the condoms but I did not have any money Sex dating Nuevo Laredo buy them. I had not even seen a condom before I started working. All they told me was that they were used so that I would not get sick. When I left with this client I never thought this would happen. The client wanted oral sex and he started to push my head down. I asked him if he had a condom, but he would not listen to me and would only continue to hold my head.

He hit me with his fist and he had a ring on. I felt the pain immediately and blood began to come out. Sex dating Nuevo Laredo then slapped me across the face and hit me so hard that he busted my lip. He began to insult me and all I could do was cry. He forced me to give him oral sex without the condom while I bled. Finally, he got up and Sex dating Nuevo Laredo and threw 30 pesos at me.

I had to go to the hospital to stop the bleeding and get stitches. Rosario indicated that she thought she would never go back to selling her body, but she said she had no other recourse, especially because she had no family in Nuevo Laredo. This sentiment was often expressed by sex workers who were from other places in the interior of Mexico. The third circumstance that led to violent encounters Sex dating Nuevo Laredo clients was associated with what some women identified as sadistic clients.

Some described situations in which the client began to exert pain on them for their own sexual pleasure. This usually involved men slapping, biting, and tying down the sex workers Sex dating Nuevo Laredo their consent. This in turn led to resistance on the part of the women and aggression and physical assault on the part of the clients.

This type of physical assault was initiated abruptly without any provocation on the part of the sex worker. In many instances, the women said that they did not know what was going on and did not understand the reason for the sudden physical violence. In describing her violent physical attack, Araceli, a year-old Sex dating Nuevo Laredo mother of two, explained. I was kind of suspicious of this client when I went with him to the hotel. There was something about him I did not like.

Before leaving with him I had used cocaine so that I could work the night. He began to kiss me and tell me that I was very pretty. He told me he wanted to do something with me and that he would pay me more. He then turned me around on the bed and started to bite my back and spank me. I began to yell. He grabbed me by the back of my neck and put my face into the pillow so I could Sex dating Nuevo Laredo breathe. He told me he would pay me more if I did not cry.

The only thing I could do was take the pain. He bruised my wrists, back, and butt. He paid me pesos but I still felt bad the next day and did not go back to work for a few days. Irma, a year-old divorcee who worked in La Z ona de Toleranciadescribed a violent situation with a client whom she described as loco crazy :.

When we arrived in the room we began to have sexual Sex dating Nuevo Laredo. All of a sudden he turned me around and grabbed my arms. I thought he wanted to have sex from behind but since he had not paid for that I fought back. But what he started doing was slapping my butt and pinching it. The only thing I could do was scream because it hurt. I know he was high on cocaine. I could not get loose. He would just hit me harder and all I could do was scream louder.

Finally, some guards came in and kicked him out. In this instance, Irma was able to escape from her client because the venue where she was working had security. Women who work in hotels or on the streets in the downtown areas are not afforded such protection.

In examining these violent encounters with clients and the circumstances in which they occurred, it is implicit that there were contextual and social structural constraints that contributed to the risk of violence. The contextual constraints were related to the geographic area where the venues are located i.

For instance, Sex dating Nuevo Laredo variation in types of indoor venues these sex workers operated in influenced their violent victimization. The women worked out Sex dating Nuevo Laredo two types of venues. The first were bars or dance clubs where sex workers contact clients in the bar and engage in the sexual exchange in rooms located immediately behind the bar. The contact, negotiation, and exchange take place in one location. The venues in La Zona de Tolerancia were characteristic of this Sex dating Nuevo Laredo.

The women in these venues had a little more sense of security given that police, guards, bartenders, bouncers, and other bar employees Sex dating Nuevo Laredo in close proximity in case their assistance was required with an unruly client. The second type of venue was the most predominant in this research because it was characteristic of the downtown areas Zona Centro, Zona La Paz, Zona Cerveceria where prostitution is illegal.

These venues are bars and clubs where the women contacted the client, negotiated the sexual services, and performed the sex acts in two different locations. Many of the sex workers in both cities worked out of Sex dating Nuevo Laredo types of venues. Once they solicited their clients, the women had to exit the establishment and locate a hotel or motel to perform the sexual services. These hotels catered specifically to the sex workers in the area. Sex workers reported getting either nightly rates of 60 pesos or more short-term rates of 40 pesos.

All of the hotels where women were recruited were secluded and extremely unkempt and dirty. It was common knowledge among the locals in these two cities that these hotels were not for the general public. On leaving the bar venues, Sex dating Nuevo Laredo sex workers were left to fend for themselves in cases of physical or sexual violence by clients. The streetwalkers who work in the downtown areas also reported the same situation, although their risks were even greater given that the contact and the sexual exchange were conducted in alleys, cars, and hotels.

Interestingly, Irma described abovealthough exposed to a violent client, was fortunate to have been working in a venue in La Sex dating Nuevo Laredo ona de Tolerancia where the sexual encounters take place in rooms behind the bar.

For those women who have to engage in sexual encounters with clients in hotels or cars, their risk of victimization was confounded by their isolation in places where other individuals are not around to assist them if a violent situation emerges. This was the case with Alejandra, who was a streetwalker in Ciudad Juarez.

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One of her regular clients drove by to pick her up and was supposed to take her to his apartment. On noticing that they were driving further and further toward the outskirts of the city, she said that all she could think of was the women who were being killed i. I accepted but I told him he had to pay me first. He got really mad and he told me that I had to do it or else. He paid me and I began to give him oral sex. But the more I tried I could not get him to get an erection.

We were there almost half an hour. He began to get mad Sex dating Nuevo Laredo and began to pull on my arm and hair. After hitting me a couple of times I was able to get off the car. He took off and left me who knows where. I Sex dating Nuevo Laredo to walk a lot before getting to downtown. This verbal abuse was evident when the women described these incidents. None, however, talked in depth about the verbal abuse and for the most part, only mentioned it when describing physically violent Sex dating Nuevo Laredo.

It was not until probed about the verbal abuse that they would talk about it. Many of the women seemed to feel that this abuse, both verbal and physical, was to be expected given the work environment. In fact, many expressed that they accepted this abuse because they felt it came along with the shame and stigmatization associated with their profession in the larger Mexican society.

This was the case with Hortensia described above. We know that this job is not very dignified. We have to accept how people see us and with that comes the way some of our clients treat us. Violent encounters with clients were not the only form of violence that the FSWs Sex dating Nuevo Laredo at work.

Violent encounters with individuals who are part of the social milieu that encompasses the sex industry along the border were also evident. These individuals included other sex workers, local police and security guards, and bar owners. Although the nature of violence with clients was associated with the actual sexual act and negotiation, the violence described Sex dating Nuevo Laredo this section was associated with the circumstances and responses pertaining to economic characteristics of the sex industry.

The sex industry in these two cities is a business like any other. Those involved or participating in it are constantly looking out for their best interests and ways to make a profit. For the women in this study, confrontations and physical aggression with people they work with were again viewed as being part of the business.

Much of this violence went unreported, especially violent encounters with police, due to fear of further Sex dating Nuevo Laredo or physical harm. Similar to violent experiences with clients, the circumstances and reasons for violence with these individuals varied.

However, there was Sex dating Nuevo Laredo specific pattern observed with regard to the negative consequences associated with engaging in violent confrontations with these individuals. First, violence with coworkers resulted in adverse working conditions and fear of retaliation. Second, violence or confrontations with police resulted in possible incarceration. And last, violence with bar owners could result in being thrown out of the bar where contact with clients is more secure.

It is because of these negative consequences that many women attempted to avoid such encounters; but for other women, tolerating the physical violence was a way to avoid negative repercussions. Violence with Sex dating Nuevo Laredo coworkers was pervasive. Seventeen percent of the women reported being involved in violent altercations with other sex workers. The circumstances under which a large number of these incidents occurred were associated with sex Sex dating Nuevo Laredo competing for Sex dating Nuevo Laredo.

This type of violence is less common among streetwalkers. Those who spoke about such violent incidents explained that on establishing a client as your regular, it is often understood that they are off limits to other sex workers.

Sometimes, however, there were circumstances in which competition for regular clients creates a tense environment in which verbal confrontations escalate into physical assaults.

We explore the case of FSW in Nuevo Laredo and Ciudad Juarez to understand the everyday violence associated with sex work Keywords: female sex workers, Mexico, violent victimization Sex work and “date” violence. Tamaulipas Adult Dating, Sex Date Tamaulipas, Sex Dating Tamaulipas, Adult Dating Tamaulipas, Adult Dating Site Tamaulipas. Sex Dating Nuevo Laredo.

Sex dating Nuevo Laredo such example was cases in which regular clients decided to seek out the services of other sex workers. For the sex workers, however, a regular client meant a Sex dating Nuevo Laredo amount of income generated every time this client visits the venue.

Thus, this created a volatile situation in which the sex workers find themselves negotiating their safety, while trying to increase their earnings. As Patricia, a year-old single mother of two, explained. Not only do you have to watch clients but also women you work with. Sometimes these are more dangerous than the clients themselves. For instance, the last time I got into a fight with a coworker was about two months ago. I was at the bar waiting for clients.

This man came in and he came up to me. We went to the hotel and had sexual relations. When I come back to the bar, some other worker had told Susana I had left with her client. She told me that this kind of Sex dating Nuevo Laredo is not done between us and all kinds of insults.

I could not hold back and I slapped her. We got into it and started pulling our hair and hitting. They separated Sex dating Nuevo Laredo but I still got scratches and bruises. Patricia stated that the tension between her and Susana continued for a while. They did not talk to each other, and the other women in the bar began to take sides on the matter.

Another unique feature of La Z ona de Tolerancia is that the sex workers lived in small rooms above the bars and clubs inside the zona.

She said it was uncomfortable, but that eventually things got back to normal—at least until the next fight between two other women broke Sex dating Nuevo Laredo. Some women took their chances in taking clients from coworkers to make some extra cash. This was the case with Valeria, a year-old sex worker who has been working in the industry for 3 years. According to Valeria, in this type of work if you do not hustle each night you may have no clients at all.

Sometimes, this required taking clients that you know do not belong to Sex dating Nuevo Laredo. She described an incident she had with a coworker in a bathroom located next to the rooms they use to provide the services to clients in La Zona de Tolerancia :. I had been sick from a cold the week before. I did not work for a couple of days which is why I did not have any money.

When I went back to work I tried to work as many hours as possible. She did not notice when he came in. She was with another customer but I knew that if Sex dating Nuevo Laredo saw him she would go with him because it was safe payment. I sat with him and started to talk.

I convinced him to go to the room immediately. When Sex dating Nuevo Laredo got up my coworker saw us and came towards us. She asked where we were going and told me that I knew he was her customer.

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He told my coworker that he Sex dating Nuevo Laredo to go with me that night. She could not do anything but she did threaten me. At the end of the night I was in the bathroom. My coworker came in and started telling me things. She grabbed one of the mirrors, broke it and grabbed a piece and attacked me. I tried to take it from her but she cut me on my chest.

A Border Context of Violence: Mexican Female Sex Workers on the U.S.–Mexico Border

She was really drunk and I was able to leave the bathroom. Although Valeria was aware she Sex dating Nuevo Laredo violating the unwritten code, she also knew she had to try to make up for clients lost the week Sex dating Nuevo Laredo. Valeria was fortunate that the violent encounter did not result in more serious injuries, but it did place her at risk of future retaliation by this particular coworker. In addition, other women working with Sex dating Nuevo Laredo felt they could not trust her and saw her as not following the agreed-upon rules of the occupation.

When it was a slow night, there were only a limited number of clients for the women working. That means that for the rest of the week, many of the women were either not working or were sitting around competing for clients. None of us had been with a client that night. It was 10 p. I cussed her out and she came at me. The pressure of knowing that there are no clients and therefore no money to pay bills or buy Sex dating Nuevo Laredo was often times overwhelming for these women.

Although not as common, violence perpetrated by bar owners was reported by a small percentage of the sex workers interviewed.

This type of violence represents the powerlessness the women feel when they are working. Although the bar owners were not directly paying the sex workers for their services, they felt they had a certain right to demand things of them by virtue of letting them work out of their bars.

This was even the case in venues where the sex worker does not get paid for being a waitress. In the view of the bar owners, they were giving these women the opportunity to contact clients in their bars.

This man came in and he came up to me.

The few women who refused to concede to their demands were subjected to violence and threatened with being thrown out of the bar. I had already worked from 7 p. I had made arrangements with my mother to go with my son to the doctor early in the Sex dating Nuevo Laredo. Saturday is the only day I can take him to the doctor without him missing school.

The bar owner found out I was leaving early. He called me and asked me why Sex dating Nuevo Laredo was leaving. We were in a small room that is his office. I told him I would stay late next weekend Sex dating Nuevo Laredo he did not listen. He grabbed me hard by the arm and threw me against the wall. He said that here there is no negotiating and that what he says has to be done. I had to do what he demanded, there was no other way.

The way this particular bar owner treated Clarisa as property depicts the control the bar owners have over the women. Even when the women were not receiving any salary from the bar establishment, they were at the mercy of the proprietors:. The job Sex dating Nuevo Laredo had before he had me as a waitress. He told Sex dating Nuevo Laredo I would get more clients Sex dating Nuevo Laredo that.

They were a bunch of lies; he only wanted me to work for free. Since it was my first job when I got to Nuevo Laredo I could not leave.

I like places where my job is to get clients to buy drinks and get them as my clients so I can make my own money. The extent of injuries from bar owners was Sex dating Nuevo Laredo bruises resulting from slaps, pushes into walls, and forceful handling. The women involved in these altercations reported that the benefits of contacting clients in bars outweigh the risks of getting clients out on the streets.

The sex workers on the streets did not have to worry about bar owners. Nonetheless, they did have to deal with another threat of violence from police and security guards, who know of their participation in the sex industry. Prostitution in Mexico is restricted to certain areas of the city. However, there were those areas in the city where prostitution takes place clandestinely and is not regulated by the city health departments, as previously described.

This was the case for streetwalkers, whose risk of victimization was twofold: Working clandestinely on the streets put them at risk of being victimized by clients and by law enforcement authorities.

For sex workers working indoors in bars and other types of venues, the hiring of security guards and police by the owners served as protection against violent victimization even in the downtown areas where prostitution is illegal. Streetwalkers, however, had to constantly deal with the daily harassment and threat of incarceration from police. For these sex workers, the presence of police was a risk factor for violent victimization.

The streetwalkers identified in Sex dating Nuevo Laredo research were geographically located in the downtown areas. The context in which they worked made them readily visible to the local authorities who tend to police the areas on foot. The following field notes described how two police officers harassed a streetwalker:. I saw her walk by about 10 minutes after I had arrived at the restaurant. I knew that the only way I could talk to some of these women was to observe the scene first and then attempt to approach some of them.

The location of the restaurant was perfect in that I was able to observe all the pedestrian and automobile traffic down this main street. The street was Sex dating Nuevo Laredo than usual but yet she stayed on the main street.

Approximately, half an hour later I noticed two young policemen dressed in their dark blue uniforms and baseball style caps approach the young lady. They began to talk to her as she tried to walk by them.

They would not let her go by and cornered her at the end of the street. All I could see was her nodding her head no as they continued to talk to her. This went on for about 5 minutes until they escorted her out of my sight. The manner in which she yanked her arm away from one of the gentlemen as he tried to escort her away made it obvious she was not very content with their presence. The amount varied from 30 to 50 pesos every time they were stopped. She went on Sex dating Nuevo Laredo describe how most of the police in this area know the girls who are working the streets and therefore take advantage of the fact that they will pay their cuota to avoid the risk of being imprisoned.

For those women who hesitated to pay the cuotathe threat of incarceration and physical assault was evident.

For instance, a year-old sex worker in Ciudad Juarez described her encounter with the police where she works:. I was outside one of the bars when a couple of police came by. They began to search me and I told them I had nothing.

They asked for the quota just for standing where I was. I told them I was not going to give them nothing because I was tired of them doing that. They took me to jail where I was for a couple of days. I saw them when I got close to one of the food carts in the street. I tried to hide but it did not work. But they kept bothering me.

I got tired of telling them no and they got tired of hearing me say no. One of them Sex dating Nuevo Laredo to insult me and kicked my knee.

I fell to the floor and they continued to kick me. They left me really bad and threatened me if I said anything. Of course, I could never report it because who is going to believe a prostitute. The Sex dating Nuevo Laredo in which she worked was secluded within a marketplace that sets up during the day. She reported that she constantly has to deal with this type of harassment and the risk of being hurt or incarcerated. In sum, sex work primarily occurred in two geographic areas in Nuevo Laredo a zona de tolerancia and downtown and three areas in Ciudad Juarez, all of which were located in and around Sex dating Nuevo Laredo.

The risk of violence by different types of persons associated with the sex work industry including clients, other sex workers, bar owners, and the police varied among types of venues and their respective geographic areas. Moreover, the violence experienced by these women was shaped by the social structural constraints of dominant gender ideologies in Mexico.

The context of violence and lawlessness places FSWs at an increased risk of violent victimization. Nonetheless, there is little information on the violence experienced by Sex dating Nuevo Laredo in Mexico and specifically along the U. The women in this study must survive in a society that has clearly defined gender constraints that limit their choices in the labor force. Entering prostitution is a means for them to broaden their options.

The contextual and social structural constraints associated with the U. In the bars and clubs in La Zona de Tolerancia red-light district in Nuevo Laredo, the negotiation and performance of the sex act are conducted in the same building. This means that there are other sex work industry employees to help the women if they are threatened with violence. The sex workers in these areas, in particular the streetwalkers, are more at risk of violence from clients.

These workers, once they solicit their customers, have to exit the bar and locate a hotel or motel to perform the sex act. On leaving the establishment, the sex worker is left to fend for herself in cases of physical or sexual violence by clients.

The streetwalkers also find themselves in the same situation, although their risks are greater than those who work regularly in established venues. That is, Sex dating Nuevo Laredo to provide services in isolated locations including hotels, motels, cars, and streets, away from the bars where the initial contact takes place, puts these women at higher risk of client victimization. Unlike the women who are providing services within the premises of the bar, the women leaving the premises have no safety net when they encounter a violent client.

These findings are similar to other studies that have documented the difference in violence between outdoor and indoor prostitution Church et al.

However, the situation in Mexico is complicated Sex dating Nuevo Laredo whether the sex worker is working in Sex dating Nuevo Laredo downtown area where prostitution is illegal or in a zona de tolerancia where prostitution is legal. That is, there are clear risks and benefits to the three sex work options: indoor and outdoor venues in illegal areas and indoor venues in a zona de tolerancia.

Women working in the downtown areas where prostitution is illegal may operate out of a bar or similar venue. These women are usually employed as waitresses, although they are not paid by the owners for this work.

This places women in a vulnerable situation and increases their susceptibility to violence from bar owners. Streetwalkers operating in the downtown areas are able to operate independently in that they do not have a bar owner controlling their work.

However, streetwalkers are exposed to greater risk from clients as well as risk of violence from the police. These women are not afforded protection from police abuses like the women working in bars. The women working in La Zona de Sex dating Nuevo Laredo work in bars and are Sex dating Nuevo Laredo subject to control by bar owners.

Within this context, women do not work under the pretense of waitressing, Sex dating Nuevo Laredo prostitution in this area is legal. The women in these venues are charged with getting clients to purchase as much alcohol as possible as compensation for the bar owners.

Women working in La Zona de Tolerancia are subject to less violent risk compared with the other two options bars and clubs in Sex dating Nuevo Laredo downtown areas and on the street. However, they must work under constant surveillance and control. The bars in these areas employ madrotasolder women who are in charge of the sex workers. In addition, the sex workers often live in rooms above the bars and are subject to weekly health exams.

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Moreover, they are officially recognized Sex dating Nuevo Laredo that they must carry government-issued ID cards identifying them as sex workers. Also unique to the bar setting is the documented violence among the sex workers themselves. Clearly, the violence with other Sex dating Nuevo Laredo workers came as a result of competition for clients. These incidents were not associated with any type of emotional trespassing associated with clients, but rather with economic motivations.

Moreover, the social structural position of women and, even more importantly, of prostitutes Sex dating Nuevo Laredo Mexican society creates an environment that contributes to violent encounters. However, we found that these gendered constraints mean that women do not recognize the violence enacted on them, or they feel they deserve it as part of their job. Some women in this study accepted the violence and abuse to which they were subjected as being part of the job. In total, almost two thirds of the women in this research had been confronted with violent encounters with clients at least once during their working careers as sex workers.

This finding may reflect the highly volatile context of the U. Nevertheless, violence related to the negotiation of the sex act and condom use is not unique to Mexican FSWs Shannon, Strathdee, et al. Women reported that some clients would inflict pain, such as biting and slapping during the sex act, as a form of sexual gratification on the part of the client. This study is significant because it contributes to the existing knowledge of violence among sex worker populations that are entering the profession as a viable income-generating source.

Moreover, the data demonstrate that other industry employees bar owners, police should be more closely regulated to ensure they do not exploit sex workers. This study also shows the importance of considering contextual and social structural constraints that are specific to different international Sex dating Nuevo Laredo.

Finally, this study found increased sexual risk through violent subjugation by clients, which places these women at higher risk of HIV and other infectious diseases. The study provides evidence for the association between Sex dating Nuevo Laredo negotiation and violence among sex workers and thus risk of HIV and other STIs. The authors would like to thank Avelardo Valdez, Joanne Belknap, and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments.

Additional support was provided to Kathryn M. Currently, she is the principal investigator and co-investigator, respectively, of two National Institute on Drug Abuse—funded studies: a a study examining the long-term health consequences of adolescent gang membership and b the emergence and diffusion of crack use in Mexico City.

Prostitution in Mexico - Wikipedia Prostitutes Nuevo Laredo. Scott isn't a total loser who needs to pay for sex; he just wants to. Date​ Telephones of Skank Nuevo Laredo; Life In Zona Norte - Tijuana Mexico. if you go into. Discreet XXX Dating nude women Nuevo laredo, girls that want to fuck in Aurora Colorado, free sexy Nashua.

Kathryn M. Her dissertation examines health and healthcare in U. A previous version of Sex dating Nuevo Laredo article was presented at the meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Declaration of Conflicting Interests. Sex dating Nuevo Laredo Center for Biotechnology InformationU. Violence Against Women. Author manuscript; available in PMC May 3.

Alice Cepeda 1 and Kathryn M. Nowotny 2. Author information Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Copyright notice. Reprints and permissions: sagepub. The publisher's final edited version of this article is available at Violence Against Women. See other articles in PMC that cite the published article. Abstract Female sex workers FSW represent a population confronted with an array of intersecting social problems.

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Similarly, in Ciudad Juarez, the prices ranged from 30 to pesos. Please enable javascript on your browser. I had to do what he demanded, there was no other way.

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