Whores Elizabeth,

Secrets from inside the world of Aids

I didn't quite manage to get through the whole book before I had to return it to the library. The metaphorical whores are as wise as those who Whores Elizabeth their bodies, and are ruthless in ensuring they retain any resources destined for the latter. Sep 02, Rachel rated it it was amazing.

I am getting older, and so are my family and friends and colleagues. Not all, mind you, but enough. Whores Elizabeth many. They are shrinking their worlds, their experiences, their understanding of the world. The world that changes. They are not keeping up, Whores Elizabeth are not challenging their own conventions and beliefs.

Here is the gay community, here in the outer world. And Whores Elizabeth it is. Life expectancy was low and political activism was high. It seemed like the entire community was dying, or at risk of dying. We had to take charge because no one cared about us, no one cared about the [insert hurtful homophobic word of choice] and the [insert another hurtful homophobic word of choice]. We fought back, we created a new reality and, kicking and screaming, we brought the whole rest of the world Whores Elizabeth us.

I did my time in the early years, but then the movement changed. The rest of us were sources of money and not much more. I have one friend who dedicated more time to fighting AIDS and helping people with AIDS than just about anyone I know — and I am talking at least a decade here — despite the fact that as a straight Whores Elizabeth without the disease she was judged The Lesser.

She persevered when many of us gave up, and I wonder how many people are alive today because of her. My time on the AIDS front faded quickly at the time, and has hovered just above indifferent since the s. I am not saying you have to change your mind, I Whores Elizabeth saying you have to challenge Whores Elizabeth mind. Elizabeth Pasani does that, and more. Who does she think she is? Yes, she knows way more about this than I do.

And Whores Elizabeth perspective on the AIDS epidemic is very challenging indeed.

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So who is this book for? People who know little about AIDS 2. People who know everything about AIDS 3. Oct 18, Michael Connolly rated it liked it Shelves: reviewedsex. The author is Whores Elizabeth journalist-turned-epidemiologist. She has a master's degree Whores Elizabeth Classical Chinese from Oxford University.

She also speaks Spanish, French and Whores Elizabeth Indonesian. Pisani is very outspoken. She criticizes the political Left for saying that AIDS is a threat to everyone, because it Whores Elizabeth the focus away from high-risk groups such as prostitutes and drug addicts. She also critici The author is a journalist-turned-epidemiologist. She also criticizes the Left for asserting that poverty is a Whores Elizabeth cause of the AIDS epidemic, because it concentrates aid on the poorest people, rather than those at most risk Whores Elizabeth AIDS.

She criticizes the Left for asserting that routine HIV testing stigmatizes homosexuals. She criticized Whores Elizabeth political Right, for its objections to providing addicts with clean syringes and prostitutes with condoms.

She is critical of feminists, for pretending that African women are pure victims of husbands who sleep around, but not admitting that many young African women are also promiscuous. Whores Elizabeth points out that the main path for the infection of young African women is their association with older men who have more money than young men.

Besides condoms, she also emphasizes the use of sexual lubricants, because they prevent skin tears that can let the AIDS virus in. She also mentions that other STD's, such as herpes and syphilis, increase the risk Whores Elizabeth HIV infection, because the skin sores offer a route into the blood stream.

Male circumcision substantially reduces transmission of the AIDS virus. Pisani says that countries, such as Uganda, whose governments speak openly about AIDS, drugs and sex do a better job restraining the epidemic than those that are less candid, such as South Africa. Pisani is not just a bureaucrat who sits behind a desk. She has spent a great deal of time in Indonesia talking Whores Elizabeth people in high-risk groups. She is a believer in the idea Whores Elizabeth the perfect is the enemy of the good.

Sure, it would be nice if there were no drug addicts, no prostitutes, and no cheating husbands, but given that no one knows how to change human nature, we should concentrate instead on the prevention of the transmission of the HIV virus among high-risk groups.

Pisani talks Whores Elizabeth the waria of Indonesia, who are a third sex, people who Whores Elizabeth physically men, Whores Elizabeth think of themselves as women. Most of them do not want a sex-change operation, even if they could afford it, because with the loss of the Whores Elizabeth would come the loss of the ability to experience orgasms. Waria who are sex workers do not have pimps. I was surprised that Jakarta was such a wild place, since Indonesia is a Muslim country.

Pisani mentions that following the lead of the West, homosexuality has become more open in Asia Whores Elizabeth recent years. Another surprise was the high variability of the frequency of AIDS between different places. Jan 20, Wealhtheow rated it liked it Recommended to Wealhtheow by: Shinynickel. Shelves: non-fictionhealth. She tells the story of the evolution of AIDS Whores Elizabeth, which started out as shamefully poorly funded and are now overwhelmed with badly Whores Elizabeth donor money.

Personal and political ideologies have blocked the most effective programs, channeled money toward populations Whores Elizabeth don't need it, used resources in the most inefficient ways possible for example, when she wrote this book most US aid was tied up so that a program in Asia would have to buy condoms made in the US and ship Whores Elizabeth across Whores Elizabeth world, as opposed to just buying the much cheaper condoms made locally.

Same problem but on a grander scale with drugs, which pharma companies made a mint Whores Elizabeth of, even after Brazil Whores Elizabeth India rebelled against their patents and started making their own generics Pisani has a light, cheeky tone for most of this book, but hints of righteous anger filter through, mostly in the form of bitingly sarcastic footnotes.

God, I love sarcastic footnotes. Definitely worth a read if one is interested in donor aid, AIDS, or the research of infectious diseases. Having been on the front lines of the AIDS epidemic in the United States when it was still called GRID, Gay Related Immune Deficiency I have watched in stunned horror as our Government refused to earmark money for AIDS education and research, and limited money to countries that were, sensibly enough, distributing condoms to sex workers and people with multiple partners.

I have Whores Elizabeth far too Whores Elizabeth to the actuality of people dying to stand back and get this broad overview. I'm delighted that Eliz Having been on the front lines of the AIDS epidemic in the United States when it was still called GRID, Gay Related Immune Deficiency I have watched in stunned horror Whores Elizabeth our Government refused to earmark money for AIDS education and research, and limited money to countries that were, sensibly enough, distributing condoms to sex workers and people with multiple partners.

I'm delighted that Elizabeth Paisani has written such a book. Taking care of people who are living with, and in the beginning, drying from AIDS opportunistic infections, was an exhausting experience, physically and emotionally.

This book had more about how organizations work than I ever cared to know, that is true. Primarily Whores Elizabeth, it is an honest appraisal of how Whores Elizabeth and the the people and governments of the world have interacted since it all began. I highly recommend this book.

Aug 09, Alicen rated it really liked it. I really appreciated, however, her criticisms and critiques and think that it's important to be constantly analyzing and re-analyzing one's work and field. Some will find this book controversial and it is in many ways, but she also has some useful comments.

Apr 08, Cindy rated it liked it. This review Whores Elizabeth been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. This is a damn good book and should be read by anyone even tangentially associated with Whores Elizabeth aid and, better yet, AIDS industry. Having recently left yet another big international development mtng, I sympathize with Whores Elizabeth Pisani's passion and frustration with the perplexing way in which development resources are used.

As an epidemiologist researching AIDS, Elizabeth Pisani has been involved with international efforts to halt the disease for fourteen years. With swashbuckling. research.”—Carlin Romano, Philadelphia Inquirer, The Wisdom of Whores, Bureaucrats, Brothels and the Business of AIDS, Elizabeth Pisani,

Feb 09, Serian rated it it was amazing Shelves: universitywomennon-fiction. I thought this was a really fascinating Whores Elizabeth - Whores Elizabeth AIDS, about international organisations, about epidemiology, about statistics, about health, about people.

To ask other readers questions about The Wisdom of Whores , please sign up.

It's incredibly readable and straightforward but still manages to explain really complicated issues. I liked the Whores Elizabeth Pisani structured it around her own Whores Elizabeth and career, though that might not appeal to some other readers.

I did Whores Elizabeth myself getting a bit bored of her disdain for political correctness - the point really didn't need to be la I thought this was a really fascinating book - about AIDS, about international organisations, about epidemiology, about statistics, about health, Whores Elizabeth people. I did find myself getting a bit bored of her disdain for political correctness - the point really didn't need to be laboured so far - and there are areas where I think she oversimplifies.

The Wisdom of Whores: Bureaucrats, Brothels, and the Business of AIDS by Elizabeth Pisani

I borrrowed this from the library, but I'm definitely getting my own copy! Aug 16, Ocrema rated it it was amazing. The book is totally cool. Fascinating take on the global AIDS epidemic! Or so I thought. Her thesis looks a lot at Whores Elizabeth dichotomy between science and evidence and ideology and self-interest, between epidemiology and politics and between plain-speaking and Whores Elizabeth correctness.

She is not interested in prevarication or sensitivity and will step on any toes required to get her point across and she is intentional in this- from the start of the book, she tells you of her fatigue with all the pussyfooting that goes on in the AIDS discourse, in her opinion, getting in the way of the plainspeaking that might bring about useful Whores Elizabeth and actual change.

She, like everyone who works in the field, is very convinced of her own ideologies and as a scientist specifically an epidemiologistshe puts out her data to convince Whores Elizabeth that she is right, and in fairness, she Whores Elizabeth very convincing. Once I recognized that this was not a book that was afraid of sounding racist or bigoted or condescending she warns you early on and once I realized that I was not the target audience for this book, which seems more aimed at whistleblowing funders to their constituents tax-payersWhores Elizabeth was pretty much unoffended.

The book title is pretty accurate. This is not one of those pop science book that promises you one thing but delivers Whores Elizabeth textbook biscuits that no one is interested in reading. My takeaway from this book is that Elizabeth Pisani comes across as a lover of pleasure, an asked of Whores Elizabeth, a shaker of tables, a master Whores Elizabeth data, a know it all, a condescending so-and-so, a compassionate supporter of the underrepresented and many other things along those lines.

Nov 11, Rik Lubbers rated it Whores Elizabeth was amazing. This book gives a great overview of how the aids epidemic was handled as described through the eyes of an epidemiologist. I agree with some people that the author sometimes Whores Elizabeth to preach her views.

She very much sees the world of policy making in a rational way. Find the best evidence and implement that, very simply said. However, Whores Elizabeth believe it happens more out of an incremental model. But that's another discussion. Great book! Oct 11, Eugenia O'Neal rated it it was amazing Shelves: caribbeanafricahiv-aidsdevelopment. Pisani, an epidemiologist who has worked Whores Elizabeth UNAIDS, the World Bank and other organizations and governments takes a no-holds barred approach to Whores Elizabeth issue.

What works? As Ms. Neither does ignorance. African governments were slow to respond to the crisis, slow to get the information about the Whores Elizabeth to their populations and slow to put reduction strategies such as the distribution of condoms into effect with the result that the virus transmission rate went through the roof.

With the exception of Senegal and Uganda, African societies made Whores Elizabeth or no effort to talk frankly about sex, about the risks of multiple partnering, about the need to use condoms, about the benefits of circumcision. Sexual relations in Africa happens in nets — for example, a man may have two or three wives in his compound but also has a visiting relationship with other women. What works are programmes for drug injectors, men who have sex with men, and sex workers.

Condom distribution programmes also work. Yet millions of people continue to contract HIV every year because, as Ms. Instead, a weird confluence of religious leaders — the Pope, various imams, preachers, etc. If you like reading about activist manipulation of facts, government cover-ups, Whores Elizabeth facts about HIV, or Whores Elizabeth descriptions of the seedy underbelly of several countries, you will probably enjoy this book.

The author, a journalist turned epidemiologist who hooked up with studying AIDS just before funding kicked into high gear, is blunt but eye-opening. She describes how she and her coworkers "beat-up" the facts to scare "rich countries" into providing money to fight Whores Elizabeth If you like reading about activist manipulation of facts, government cover-ups, epidemiological facts about HIV, or up-close-and-personal descriptions of the seedy underbelly of several countries, you will probably enjoy this book.

She describes how she and her coworkers "beat-up" the facts to scare "rich countries" into providing money to fight AIDS by claiming that everyone was at risk when it was really just drug injectors, prostitutes, and those having homosexual sex except in some countries in Africa, where HIV was already so prevalent and the culture so generally promiscuous that it really was everyone at risk.

Then, when money finally started pouring in, Pisani relates how it went for "programmes" that didn't address the real problem: prevention for the general populace that wasn't really at risk but whose "risk" was motivating the money in the first place. It turned out that, once the money was provided, people still didn't want it to go to help junkies, Whores Elizabeth, and homosexuals.

I Whores Elizabeth the point of this book was to put the entire situation in the open in the hopes that people might be more willing to do what should be done to really prevent HIV as a disease. I'm just glad to hear a more informed opinion of what the situation really is.

And to not be in a group at risk. If they're not much worse than manga fans I'll be fine ; Feb 24, Maribeaux rated it Whores Elizabeth was ok. I lost my respect for the work when I reached chapter six and it made me overall question Whores Elizabeth information presented on the topic of sex and drugs. I won't say much, just that it would have been wiser if Pissani had left her uneducated, anecdotal-evidence-based opinions on human trafficking to the experts on the issue, who not only admit that most of the females in the sex trade in Asia are trafficked, but also that commercial sex not only hasn't fallen, but it is rooted so deep in many cultures I lost my respect for the work when I reached chapter six and it made Whores Elizabeth overall question the information presented on the topic of sex and drugs.

I won't Whores Elizabeth much, just that it would have been wiser if Pissani had left her uneducated, anecdotal-evidence-based Whores Elizabeth on human trafficking to the experts on the issue, who not only admit that most of the females in the sex trade in Asia are trafficked, but also that commercial sex not only hasn't fallen, but it is rooted so deep in many cultures of Asia, that people can't seem to step away from it because they can't, they Whores Elizabeth want to, they're used to it, or all those.

Human trafficking is a Whores Elizabeth. Girls and women are held captive against their will like slaves actually, even worsethey Whores Elizabeth manipulated, mentally broken, threatened to not speak to anyone or leave their spots. Yes, stories of such women would make good documentaries if these women would actually have been free physically and psychologically to speak, available to be Whores Elizabeth to random interviewers.

But oh, Whores Elizabeth are all rumors! I wonder how much money was thrown to make the UN and WHO look clean, innocent, reliable, honest on that matter. Just because one doesn't or can't see cases of human trafficking doesn't mean it doesn't exist, that it is rare or that it is not a serious matter.

The Wisdom of Whores by Elizabeth Pisani | Penguin Random House Canada

But let's not forget that Pissani's Whores Elizabeth wasn't ever to take a Whores Elizabeth dive into the sex trafficking so it doesn't much surprise me that the chapter is quite contradictory to studies of the noughties. Jan 25, Mark Desrosiers rated it really liked it Shelves: sex. She gets the boring stuff out of the way first -- a tour of U.

Lots of received wisdom gets demolished here -- I felt pretty much like an idiot at some points. For example, she evaporates the widespread trust in "peer advocacy" by Whores Elizabeth a personal anecdote in which a skeletal, angry, dying "AIDS counselor" gets to tell a p Whores Elizabeth gets the boring stuff out of the way first -- a tour of U. For example, she evaporates the widespread trust in "peer advocacy" by citing a personal anecdote in which a skeletal, angry, dying "AIDS counselor" gets to tell a Whores Elizabeth women she's HIV-positive by using the rage-shame-and-pointing technique.

As for spending money on antiretroviral treatments, Pisani thinks that might not be such a great idea without equal spending on prevention efforts, anyway because those pricey drugs can make HIV and AIDS seem manageable and benign, thereby undercutting efforts to change sexual behavior.

And this latter issue -- changing behavior -- points to another one of her rants, which is that public health is fascist: it restricts and controls personal liberty ostensibly for the greater good. She likes this, and thinks it's Whores Elizabeth public health works so well Whores Elizabeth religion and ideology don't fuck with it very Whores Elizabeth.

I'm inclined to agree. Anyway, this is a wonderful book to read at the beginning of the Obama Era, as her many anecdotes of U. I hope. Whores Elizabeth 12, Ani rated it liked it. This was an interesting book, certainly countercultural, which impresses me. Some of her reporting seems quite radical, as she suggests that the staggering numbers related to AIDS that the rest of us are accustomed to hearing are exaggerated by a lot.

As it is so radical, I would like to check her sources and research methods, just to be sure that she is not allowing her cynicism to color her reporting. Her take on human trafficking disappointed me, as she claims in all her research to not have This was an interesting book, certainly countercultural, which impresses me.

Her take on human trafficking disappointed me, as she claims in all her research to not Whores Elizabeth met as many trafficking victims as much of the current media frenzy would like us to think exist. My response to her would be, why would a brothel owner in Thailand report to a Whores Elizabeth, Western woman if his women were trafficked? And knowing what I do about how trafficking victims are treated and broken psychologically, they would not be likely to admit to a passionate, white woman that they had been trafficked.

I still am glad I read the book, and I enjoy her writing, my only caveat is that her points are so off from what is "common knowledge" that I would like to see them verified.

The Wisdom of Whores: Bureaucrats, Brothels and the Business of AIDS

This book is an epidemiologist's take on conducting field work for AIDS research. She is candid about her experience and the lessons that the various people she encounters from all types of various backgrounds have to teach Whores Elizabeth and her colleagues about society, common sense and practical matters. I didn't quite manage to get through the whole book before I had to return it to the library. The accounts range from humorous to maddening and frustrating. It offers hope that the public health communi This book is an epidemiologist's Whores Elizabeth on conducting field work for AIDS research.

It offers hope that the public Whores Elizabeth community knows a great deal more about AIDS and HIV these days, but also some discouraging information on implementing and sustaining long-term behavior changes. I liked it, but it became a little academic for my tastesbut it is written by an Whores Elizabeth.

So watch out View 1 comment. Jan 11, Eliza rated it it was ok. It took me forever to finish this book. Tons of data; Whores Elizabeth they collected data, what data is wrong, how to get correct data, the meetings where they discussed data, how data can effect public policy and public opinion It was far too much data t It took me forever to finish this book.

It was far too much data to keep me interested. I expected more of a memoir, and the title really has nothing to do with the book either. Mar 26, Tony and Rosa rated it it was amazing. This book operates on three levels. It is Whores Elizabeth participant history of international efforts to tackle AIDS; it is a description of the Byzantine international bureaucracies and their donors; and it is a personal story Whores Elizabeth the author Whores Elizabeth she went from journalist to public health consultant while gaining and losing a husband.

In truth the last is the weakest part of the book. It is where her sense of humour is at its most strained. That ability to laugh at experts and bureaucracies as they spend billio This book operates on three levels.

That ability to laugh at experts and bureaucracies as they Whores Elizabeth billions intended for people with HIV is what makes this book so readable. Of course, AIDS is not inherently humorous. It is a horrible disease that killed millions of people. The stigma associated with sexual transmission, particularly by gay men, meant it was initially a struggle to get the funding needed for research and prevention.

This is particularly tragic because AIDS is Whores Elizabeth easy disease to control. If you have sex with many people in a short time period, wear a condom.

Epidemiologist Elizabeth Pisani raised eyebrows in with her book, The Wisdom of Whores, a frank account of her experiences working in. As an epidemiologist researching AIDS, Elizabeth Pisani has been involved with international efforts to halt the disease for fourteen years. With swashbuckling.

If you inject yourself with drugs, use clean needles. As simple and mechanical as wearing a coat during a rainstorm. Of course, some people had sex with one person and ended up with AIDS because they chose the wrong one person. However, controlling the disease, converting it from an epidemic into one of the many nasty background diseases simply requires Whores Elizabeth use and clean needles. The power of the book comes from the Whores Elizabeth to apply this simple advice. There are two reasons for this.

Strange as it may seem, the more forgivable were generally the men and women, and Pisani Whores Elizabeth to Whores Elizabeth clear there were many women, who did not take precautions. Contrary to myth, drug Whores Elizabeth use clean needles when they are on offer and promiscuous people approached in the right way will mostly wear condoms. These people are many things, but they are not stupid. The wise whores of the title advised Pisani and other public health researchers on Whores Elizabeth best way to apply these simple interventions.

The book is funniest when she describes earnest but naive researchers being educated in realities they, in the most literal of senses, could not imagine. It is easy to laugh at worthies. Sometimes Whores Elizabeth sound too similar to white missionaries entering jungles to civilise natives, or those Victorian gentlemen who Whores Elizabeth vice in the East End of London.

But at least they try to do what is right. They met the people they did not understand and tried to understand them. When theory did not match reality, they threw out the theory. What mattered was helping people in Whores Elizabeth. If this had been the problem then AIDS would have Whores Elizabeth cracked long before drugs to slow it were developed. In most countries outside east and southern Africa, Aids is not ravaging the general population as was once feared.

Yet politicians the world over know there are few votes in spending taxpayers' money to provide expensive health care services for gay men, illegal drug users and sex workers, particularly if such services can easily look as if they are encouraging and facilitating behaviour the moral majority tends to disapprove of anyway. So figures and trends must be 'beat up' - cannily interpreted and presented in such a way as to imply that we could all be at risk. This was part of Pisani's job in her early days at UN Aids, the UN's hasty amalgamation of Whores Elizabeth agencies all jostling for a slice of the Aids funding.

Back then, inher task was to persuade rich countries, whose effective prevention programmes in the Eighties had allowed Aids to slip down the agenda, to Whores Elizabeth about the spread of the epidemic in poor ones. Later, inshe moved Whores Elizabeth the theoretical domain and took up a post in HIV surveillance for the Indonesian government, doing the Whores Elizabeth work of mapping HIV levels among those at risk and monitoring the behaviour that creates such risk.

This meant nights of hanging out on Jakarta street corners, asking waria ladyboys if they prefer to be the receptive or insertive partner in anal sex.

It meant trips to red-light districts that were little more than slums to ask soldiers, sailors and civil servants if they had wives at home and if they used condoms. It meant loitering at remote railway stations waiting for junkies to come and shoot up. It is in these stories from the frontline that Pisani's book really comes to life.

If Whores Elizabeth has a mission statement, it is that public health policy should be based on reality and that a wilful refusal at the highest levels to confront the often messy reality of Aids has led to billions of dollars of aid money, not to mention millions of lives, being wasted.

Her language often exoticizes "Madurese women are famed for their sexual prowess" and is sometimes inflammatory: "If you have sex in ways that do not follow basic human sexual design which includes a lubricated vagina , you will increase the chance of small tears and abrasions.

She is furious at the faith-based initiatives that have mushroomed under Bush, diverting badly needed Whores Elizabeth money into programmes that teach abstinence-only, or campaign against prostitution and condemn all attempts to make commercial sex safer and better regulated as abetting Whores Elizabeth form of Whores Elizabeth. She is not afraid baldly to state truths unpalatable to liberals either.

In her experience, Pisani says, the majority of female sex workers have not been trafficked; they have simply chosen a horrible job that pays considerably better than the many other horrible jobs available to them.

She also blows away the smokescreen created by the international community that the fierce spread of Aids in parts of Africa is due to poverty and underdevelopment, rather than patterns of sexual behaviour, because to state Whores Elizabeth latter might appear racist.

Whores Elizabeth,
For all its cultural and political overtones, HIV is an infectious disease. However, care must be taken ensure the correct dosage. It seemed like the entire community was dying, or at risk of dying.
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The Wisdom of Whores: Bureaucrats, Brothels, and the Business of AIDS
As Elizabeth Pisani writes in The Wisdom of Whores, “HIV is a virus that doesn't care what people think. It only cares what people do.” Yet, as. As an epidemiologist researching AIDS, Elizabeth Pisani has been involved with international efforts to halt the disease for fourteen years. With swashbuckling. In The Wisdom of Whores, epidemiologist Elizabeth Pisani brings honesty, wit and startling pragmatism to the tawdry front lines of sex and drugs. She explains​.
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Absolute rates were skyrocketing in places no-one cared about, Whores Elizabeth were stubbornly small elsewhere. Return to Book Page. Support Center Support Center. Sep 02, Rachel rated it it was amazing. This is not one of those pop science book that promises you one here but delivers dry textbook Whores Elizabeth that no one is interested in reading.

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Great book! So figures and trends must be 'beat up' - cannily interpreted and presented Whores Elizabeth such a way as to imply that we could all be at risk. Human trafficking is a pandemic.

Secrets from inside the world of Aids | Health, mind and body books | The Guardian