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Network of Sex Work Projects. Community empowerment among female sex workers is an effective HIV prevention intervention: A systematic review of the peer-reviewed evidence from Prostitutes Mutare and middle-income countries.

Almost all women across all three sites reported Prostitutes Mutare comfortable talking to peers about health topics in the RDS. During interviews women spoke about encouraging each other to seek medical attention, and how they share relevant information among their colleagues and friends.

In Zimbabwe's national HIV programme for sex workers, fewer than 1% of clients were In Mutare participants did not self-identify as selling sex and referred to. Truck drivers are now their new target. Several sex workers who spoke to StandardCommunity last week said they were driven into prostitution by.

Due to the high prevalence of HIV, several mentioned initiating and adhering to antiretroviral Prostitutes Mutare ARTalthough alternative sources of care for sexual and reproductive health problems were Prostitutes Mutare mentioned.

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Health appeared to be the easiest topic for SWs to discuss and share experiences, although women who knew they were HIV positive were careful not to disclose their status to those who might tell potential clients in an effort to secure the business for themselves. We examined levels Prostitutes Mutare competition, cooperation, and networks of support among SWs in Zimbabwe in advance of initiating new community mobilization activities within an existing behavioural and biomedical HIV intervention.

Following mixed results in our RDS survey, we conducted in-depth interviews to explore how competition and Prostitutes Mutare support co-existed at fairly high levels among SWs, finding that perception of good relations among SWs, belief in the potential Prostitutes Mutare work for mutual gain, and widespread distrust and violent clashes did not appear contradictory to SWs but rather reflected the complex nature of their Prostitutes Mutare and social networks.

Although women in Hwange and Victoria Falls reported more direct experience of assistance in Prostitutes Mutare previous month, this could indicate that such help has become taken for granted Prostitutes Mutare Mutare and is no longer particularly noteworthy.

Prostitutes Mutare similar finding was reported in India, where comparison of the Avahan programme in Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu after 18 months suggested that pre-existing levels of collective identity affected intervention impact [ 18 ].

At the broader community level, respondents described contributing to funeral expenses, family emergencies and health costs for women in their wider peer group who were not necessarily close friends.

Common features include mutual aid, trust, and support Prostitutes Mutare 29 ]. Our findings suggest that while mutual aid and support already exist among SWs, trust is still fragile and dependent on close friendships in an otherwise competitive Prostitutes Mutare sometimes combative work environment. Our interpretation of our data leads us to conclude that the foundations of social cohesion and support networks are in place across the three study sites, but it would be unrealistic to directly address competition between SWs at the early stages of our community mobilisation intervention.

Both the survey and qualitative interviews highlighted the high prevalence of competition between SWs, but also its many negative outcomes; our key informants Prostitutes Mutare ample justification for why they avoid sharing personal information or risking premature intimacy in new friendships. As Prostitutes Mutare result, we believe activities overly focused on breaking down mistrust and promoting solidarity across the population could backfire and jeopardise our broader mobilization efforts.

Following this study, we have run regular community mobilization meetings in all 3 sites. Mutare, the largest town, has the highest attendance rates, with 50— women Prostitutes Mutare every meeting compared to Prostitutes Mutare women attending in Victoria Falls and Hwange.

Meetings address a range of issues related to health, safety, social support, and legal rights and appear to positively affect the strength of networks among SWs. Our activities will continue to bring SWs together in shared social spaces and work to broaden opportunities for peer support, reinforce existing beliefs that SWs can work together, and encourage the community to find their own ways Prostitutes Mutare challenge their competitiveness over time.

This study has several limitations, Prostitutes Mutare small sample sizes for the qualitative research, making it difficult to identify contextual differences between the three sites, despite these being evident in the survey.

Despite several programmes showing interpersonal competition between SWs to be a barrier to mobilization of the SW community, our pre-intervention assessment found that SWs support each other in multiple ways, Prostitutes Mutare in the face of fierce competition.

Our study suggests that competition between SWs need not be mutually exclusive to the existence of functioning support networks. Burden of HIV among female sex workers in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Infect Dis. Article PubMed Google Scholar. Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Survey — Google Scholar.

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AIDS Behav. A community empowerment approach to the HIV response among sex workers: effectiveness, challenges, and considerations for implementation and scale-up. Community mobilization, empowerment and HIV prevention among female sex workers in south India.

BMC Public Health. Global epidemiology Prostitutes Mutare HIV among female sex workers: influence of structural determinants. Empowering sex workers in India to reduce vulnerability to HIV and sexually transmitted diseases. Soc Sci Med. What makes a structural intervention? Reducing vulnerability to HIV in community settings, with particular Prostitutes Mutare to sex work.

Navigating the swampy lowland: a framework for evaluating the effect of community mobilisation Prostitutes Mutare female sex workers in Avahan, the India AIDS Initiative. J Epidemiol Community Health. Prostitutes Mutare Case of Mumbai India. Increasing access and ownership of clinical services at an HIV prevention project for sex workers in Mysore India. Glob Public Health. Prostitutes Mutare structural violence in sex work: lessons from a community-led HIV prevention project in Mysore India.

AIDS Care. Indian J Medical Med Res. Trends in condom use among female sex workers in Andhra Pradesh, India: the impact of a community mobilisation intervention.

Perhaps the best documented successes in community mobilization among female SWs come from India, where the well-renowned Sonagachi programme [ 8 , 9 ] has been replicated and scaled-up across six states in India through the Avahan initiative [ 10 , 11 ].

Article Google Scholar. Risk reduction and perceived collective efficacy and community support among female sex workers Prostitutes Mutare Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra, India: the importance of context. Busza J. Participatory research in constrained settings. Action Res.

Busza J, Schunter BT. From competition to community: participatory learning Prostitutes Mutare action among young, debt-bonded Vietnamese sex workers in Cambodia. Reprod Health Matters. Community empowerment and involvement of female sex workers in Prostitutes Mutare sexual and reproductive health interventions in Africa: a systematic review.

Community mobilization among female sex workers (SWs) is In Mutare, % of SWs agreed there was a lot of competition; % reported. Hie I am in Mutare, Dangamvura. Short time ndoita $7 night $ My number is

Glob Health. Wojcicki Prostitutes Mutare, Malala J. Campbell C. Evaluating recruitment among female sex workers and injecting drug users at risk for HIV using respondent-driven sampling in Estonia. J Urban Health.

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HIV prevalence and characteristics of sex work among female sex workers in Hargeisa, Somaliland, Somalia. Assessment of respondent driven sampling for recruiting female sex workers in two Vietnamese cities: reaching the unseen sex worker. Engagement with HIV prevention treatment Prostitutes Mutare care among female sex workers in Zimbabwe: a respondent driven sampling survey. PLoS One. Health Educ Res. Sex Transm Dis.

Download references. The author RWG is employed by GIZ and provided support during the design of the study and subsequently commented on several manuscript drafts but was not involved in the selection of the topic, the data collection or analysis, nor decision where to submit for publication. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Correspondence to Sibongile Mtetwa or Frances Cowan. All other authors declare that they have no Prostitutes Mutare interests.

SM led data collection, participated in qualitative data analysis and drafted the first version of the manuscript. JB designed the qualitative study component, contributed to RDS survey development, Prostitutes Mutare participated in data analysis and drafting the paper. CD conducted RDS survey analysis and commented on manuscript drafts. RWG contributed to the study design, and provided feedback on manuscript drafts.

FC served as Principle Investigator of the study. All authors read and approved Prostitutes Mutare final Prostitutes Mutare. Reprints and Permissions. Mtetwa, S. Competition is Prostitutes Mutare necessarily a barrier to community mobilisation among sex workers: an intervention planning assessment from Zimbabwe.

BMC Public Health 15, Prostitutes Mutare citation. Received : 23 January Accepted : 04 August Published : 16 August Skip to main content. Search all BMC articles Search. Download PDF. Abstract Background Community mobilization among female sex workers SWs is recognized as an effective strategy to empower SWs and increase their uptake of health services.

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Results Across all sites, women described protecting each other at night, advising each other about violent or non-paying clients, and paying fines for each other following arrest.

Conclusions Women reported being most likely to support each other when confronted with serious danger but maintained high levels of competition for clients, suggesting competition at work does not represent Prostitutes Mutare barrier to support.

Methods This study was conducted in and included a respondent driven bio-behavioural survey and in-depth qualitative interviews with self-identified sex workers in Mutare, Hwange, Victoria Falls. Meetings started up to one hour late as facilitators waited for arriving participants. In Hwange and Victoria Falls, participants asked for refreshments to be provided and complained about lack Prostitutes Mutare financial reimbursement.

In Mutare, participants reported not being comfortable around a clinic known for serving sex workers. They did not want to be seen by older sex workers coming for treatment Prostitutes Mutare might gossip about YWSS.

A private room had been requested by staff, but was usually not available. One participant suggested that the older sex workers need to understand that they are all in the same trade despite age differences.

There was less agreement about whether the activities took too much time 25 thought so or could make women feel uncomfortable 15 agreed, while 7 remained neutral.

The three interviewed staff members said facilitating sessions was straightforward and the Activity Pack clear, easy to follow, and relevant. Staff felt YWSS enjoyed activities, particularly those that involved singing and dancing.

Although the total number of women reached and the average number of participants per activity were not much lower than Prostitutes Mutare Mutare, staff in these sites had to use more proactive means to recruit YWSS, such as phone calls Prostitutes Mutare home visits.

Younger women told staff that they Prostitutes Mutare bullied and patronised by adult sex workers at bars and other locations where they sell sex, and wanted their own dedicated sessions. We compared numbers of new and all clients from through from data routinely collected at every visit.

The Prostitutes Mutare is skewed by the fact that clinic visits from all age groups increased substantially; in numbers, clinic visits Prostitutes Mutare 15—year-olds in Mutare Prostitutes Mutare from 12 in both and to 76 in With the exception of Mutare, a similarly large increase in new clients was not seen for older age groups, strengthening the possibility that the workshops contributed to uptake, although lack of a rigorous outcome evaluation including comparison sites precludes attribution.

Our process evaluation suggests good fidelity as sessions were delivered monthly on schedule. Over time it will Prostitutes Mutare important to ensure the full package of 21 activities is delivered.

Despite concerns about the public location of the venues, Prostitutes Mutare levels remained consistent. Although participation rates there were only slightly lower, intensive attempts to maintain interest are not sustainable.

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Coverage of YWSS cannot be determined without a population estimate. We reached 52 women in Mutare, 43 in Victoria Falls, and 48 in Hwange, all Prostitutes Mutare our target age group, which is an extremely difficult demographic cohort to recruit. Acceptability among YWSS also appears good. The growing numbers of women attending workshops is further testimony to their appropriateness.

The most commonly reported barrier to attendance included fear of being recognised by older sex workers, particularly at clinic sites. As a Prostitutes Mutare of qualityobservations of six sessions concluded they were delivered as designed. Staff found some activities easier to deliver and may need refresher training to ensure they confidently facilitate the more complicated sessions and maintain their skills. Although a process evaluation cannot Prostitutes Mutare effectiveness Prostitutes Mutare, the increase of 15—year-olds as a proportion of new and all clients suggests the YWSS programme may have increased uptake.

During the pilot, outreach workers and the young peer educators made concerted efforts Prostitutes Mutare reach YWSS in the community to inform them of the full range of Sisters services and not just the participatory workshops.

The workshops themselves, however, were an opportunity to alert YWSS about the clinic and encourage them to spread the word among their social networks. Numerous challenges remain. The hope is that once YWSS develop greater confidence, they will be more open Prostitutes Mutare mixing with adult sex workers.

Finally, YWSS are not a homogeneous group, exhibiting different levels of willingness to self-identify. This will allow for provision in new sites, experimentation with location and timing of meetings, and training of additional young peer educators who Prostitutes Mutare be able to help facilitate sessions over time.

Economic and social dimensions influencing safety of induced abortions amongst young women who sell sex in Zimbabwe.

The DREAMS package will also introduce educational subsidies and income-generating opportunities to which we will be able to refer YWSS, Prostitutes Mutare provide the Prostitutes Mutare to conduct an impact-level evaluation. Following a one-year pilot programme to recruit, engage and Prostitutes Mutare YWSS to existing prevention and treatment, the programme proved feasible to staff and acceptable to participants, reached close to women Prostitutes Mutare an extremely hard-to-reach group, and may have increased numbers of women attending clinical services.

Given global acknowledgement of enhanced vulnerability among young key populations, this programme provides one workable model for reaching this underserved group. We appreciate the additional time spent reflecting on the first year. Prostitutes Mutare young women who participated in the programme in Mutare, Victoria Falls, and Hwange were an invaluable source of inspiration and we are grateful for their enthusiasm and Prostitutes Mutare to try something new.

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. Read article at publisher's site DOI : Sex Reprod Health Matters29 101 Dec To arrive at the top five similar articles we use a word-weighted algorithm to compare words from the Title and Abstract of Prostitutes Mutare citation. Deniaud F. Sante7 Prostitutes Mutare01 Nov Cited by: 8 articles PMID: Lancet, 22 Jul Review Free to read.

Europe PMC requires Javascript to function effectively. Recent Activity. Recent history Saved searches. Search articles by 'Joanna Busza'. Busza J 1. Search articles by 'Sibongile Mtetwa'. Mtetwa S 2. Prostitutes Mutare articles by 'Rumbidzo Mapfumo'. Mapfumo R 2. Search Prostitutes Mutare by 'Dagmar Hanisch'. Hanisch D 3. Search articles by 'Ramona Wong-Gruenwald'.

Wong-Gruenwald R 4. Cowan F 2. Affiliations 1 author 1. German Development CooperationHarareZimbabwe. Share this article Share with email Share with twitter Share with linkedin Share with facebook.

Abstract Young women who sell Prostitutes Mutare YWSS in Southern Africa are highly vulnerable to HIV, as the risks of Prostitutes Mutare young and female in a high prevalence setting coalesce with those of commercial sex.

The aim was to encourage YWSS' interaction with each other, build their trust, confidence and skills, and encourage uptake of clinical services.

In total, YWSS attended meetings and most were from the target year-old age group. Challenges included identifying appropriate referrals, initial recruitment of women in some sites, and managing participants' requests for financial compensation.

The number of clients aged increased at sex worker clinics in all sites. AIDS Care. Published online Jul 8. PMID: Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Received Prostitutes Mutare 15; Accepted Mar This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Table 1. Activity Pack modules and activities. What is a Community?

What are our Priorities? What is Community Mobilisation? Guest Lecture Moving Forward. Open in a separate window. Process evaluation methods Relevant measures in a process evaluation include fidelity to design were activities conducted as planned?

Table 2. Process evaluation guiding questions. Was the Activity Pack used as designed? Coverage How many women were reached in each site? Were the participants from the target group of 15—19 YWSS? Are YWSS able to attend meetings and services easily? Quality Are activities included in the Activity Pack appropriate for the target audience? Were Activity Pack sessions well conducted? Effectiveness Are intended outputs uptake of services, referrals to other services, enhanced confidence and skills occurring?

Table 3. Process evaluation methods.

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Participant views YWSS reactions to the programme were positive, although this is biased by self-selection of volunteers for the monitoring and evaluation session. Vic Falls Our nurse is Prostitutes Mutare. Hwange The love we get from the staff here is Prostitutes Mutare Victoria Falls On the other hand, all three groups stated they did not like the time management.

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Staff views The three interviewed staff members said facilitating sessions was straightforward and the Activity Pack clear, easy to follow, and relevant. Discussion Our process evaluation suggests good fidelity as sessions were delivered monthly on schedule. Disclosure statement No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. References Bekker L. Combination HIV prevention for female sex workers: What is the evidence? The Lancet. Micro-planning in peer led outreach programs — a handbook.

Prostitutes Mutare Delhi: Author: Triple jeopardy: Adolescent experiences of sex work and migration in Zimbabwe. Engagement with HIV prevention treatment and care among female sex workers in Zimbabwe: A respondent driven sampling survey.

PLoS One. Central European Journal Prostitutes Mutare Public Health. Providing comprehensive health services for young key populations: Needs, barriers and gaps. Adolescent girls and young women: Key populations for HIV epidemic control. Exploring the impact of underage sex work among female sex Prostitutes Mutare in Prostitutes Mutare Mexico-US border cities.

AIDS and Behavior. Community empowerment among female sex workers is an effective HIV prevention intervention: A systematic review of the peer-reviewed evidence from low- and middle-income countries. Review: An Prostitutes Mutare need for research on factors impacting adherence to and retention in care among HIV-positive youth and adolescents from key populations. Responses to HIV in sexually exploited children or adolescents who sell sex.

IASVancouver. Network of Sex Work Projects. Making sex work safe.

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